Thursday, January 27, 2005

'Cos there's beauty in the breakdown

Have you ever felt overwhelming love for an imperfect person for reasons no one else could understand?
Have you ever looked at that someone with all of their imperfections until all of those imperfections combined to make something so unbelievably beautiful you couldn't look at it without getting that swelling feeling in your throat and your eyes tearing and your heart breaking over and over again?

Not quite a review but the best I could do in my current frame of mind.

Monday, January 24, 2005


Yeah it's been ages since I "blogged". I just haven't had too much to say and i've been kind of irritated with the whole computer jinx thing I seem to have going. Oh and i've seriously cut back my smoking which has me even more irritated. So I just haven't been my usually chipper self all around.
Luckily there is Peanut Butter Ice Cream and a good friend to ease the aches and pains of every day life. I don't thank the good friend nearly enough.
Anywhooooooo I have some tough decisions ahead of me and some major life changes. At the moment all I know for sure is that i'm pretty tired of living much of my life on this little box here. The only thing I have lined up in the immediate future is doing some tile work for habitat for humanity. Which is nice because i've been trying real hard (doesn't that seem odd?) to clock more volunteer time with them for ages. It's not only helping a worthy cause but I get good carpentry and building experience. Some day i'm going to be one of those cute carpenter chicks on Trading Spaces or something. Maybe i'll get to hug Ty.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking of trying out for a GoGo Dancer, I don't think I have the rack for Burlesque.

Also I'm starting a new thing in my bloggy, The Monday Man or Man of the Week. Because I like them all too much to ever pick just one.

SO! To get things started this weeks Monday Man is funny, gorgeous, sexy, can fix things around the house, helps his fellow man and above all else is incredibly kind hearted. You can't get much closer to perfect than that. I give two 'hand squeezies up' to Ty Pennington.

Ty is originally from Atlanta, has an undergraduate degree in Graphic Design, models, has his own book, two t.v. shows and really cool hair. And lets never forget, he can FIX things..Hooray for real men with cute belly buttons.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

My Friend Murphy

My computer is broken. It's off to the land of NerdyFixit for repairs and I likely won't have it back for a long time. They tell you a week but we all know it's more like 6. Anyway, i'm currently having to use a library computer so suffice it to say this will be the last entry for a while. Gah, I hope 05' gets better FAST. Hope everyone else's year is better so far.