Monday, July 10, 2006


You know how sometimes you have those weeks where just everything in life goes completely, dramatically, and inextricably WRONG? The latest in a long list of ridiculously crappy happenings, "crappenings" if you will..
I went to open my car door and the door handle broke off in my hand. Mrrphfff was the sound I made as I stared at it in jaw clenched disbelief.

Now, I will have to roll down my window and reach outside to open my door.
I don't mind being a little on the white trash side, in fact I kinda embrace it I mean, what the hell right? But this is a little embarrassing.

Ima have to hit a 'pick a part' this weekend and get me a new one, shoot.

And now NOW Johnny V's blog isn't working? Why? Why!? I'm starting to feel panicked.

1 comment:

Johnny Virgil said...

Wait - my blog isn't working? WTF?

I come here just to see how things are going for my favorite female blogger, and I see my name in lights. Well, at least in print. Awesome.