Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Never Date Musicians

Ok so I found out my most recent dating mistake had ads all over the internet on every f*ck/date/hot or not site imaginable. Will someone please tell me why men bother to lie? There ARE some women out there that DO prefer to hear the truth. I would much rather hear something like "Why don't we date casually for a while and see what happens?" rather than "I want someone I can be with forever." When either thing is said I take you at your word, the difference is with the former I know exactly where I stand.
I don't know how other women are but I am not someone who refuses to let her s.o. go out independantly and do their own thing. I've never said to anyone, You're not allowed to see your friends, hang out at the club, or even, see your very good friend who just happens to be your ex. etc. I don't flip out, I don't turn psycho, I rarely even raise my voice. Provided some warning and a phone call if we already had plans, I don't care in the slightest where you want to go or what you want to do. In fact the only thing that makes me angry is an out and out lie. There is no good reason for it, ever. So I just can't for the life of me understand what someone has to gain from lying to me in the first place? And moreover why perpetuate the lie for months and waste more of my time?
And if you want to cut things off then just say so. Something as simple as "I'm sorry but you're not the person for me." is very straight forward and totally understandable. What is with the semi-disappearing/re-appearing to totally off the map b.s.? There is nothing more cowardly. I always tell someone when I don't want to be with them anymore. That has meant taking anything from being told I was a bitch for an hour to being stalked for years at a time. I gladly accept any consequence so that I don't lead someone on because it's just the wrong thing to do. Seriously, have some effin guts or balls as the case may be.

I am really starting to think those over done, gold digging, bitchy women have their heads on straight.


Alex said...

I'll happily settle for your brutal flogging.

But i'm not bitter.

Alex said...

That's so not true!
I have dated nice guys, I dig nice guys. Nice guys with full sleeve tattoos are good too. ;)

Anonymous said...

thanks alex for visiting my blog. here's wishing you will find the right guy for you!