Friday, June 03, 2005

Raiders of the Lost Ark, Hope No Ones Face Melts Off

So I've read through the grapevine that through the copper scroll, Vendyl Jones, (yes "Dr. Jones") thinks he has finally deciphered the location to the ever elusive ark of the covenant. He plans on going to the location and digging a hole large enough to lower a camera in and broadcast the event live to the world as it happens.

Anyone who knows me or has read through my journal knows that my lifes interest has been archaeology and my college major was anthropology. And Vendyl Jones or rather "Indiana Jones" the movie character is after all largely responsible for my transition from child paleontologist to seriously studying for a career in Anthropology. I have great respect for the man despite any differences in ideals merely for that reason alone. While I've tended to purposefully focus my attention away from the biblical facet, even I have to be extremely excited at what would turn out to be the most significant archeological discovery attained to date.

This find ranks in the top 5 along with the absolute missing link, the holy grail, discovering the true Atlantis and comfirming M theory. In the archaeology community it is very roughly equivilant to winning the national lottery on your 18th birthday.

Despite my excitement I can't ignore the possible rammifications of such a find that I'm not sure most people are fully able to grasp. Far be it from me to begrudge an old man from the very completion of his entire lifes work, but should he manage to not pull a Geraldo here and really find this thing it could mean a major change in the world as we know it now.

For someone like me, it is merely another historical artifact created by men and the discovery of such an artifact probably won't shed any light on it's potentially metaphysical origins. The problem is, for purposes of propoganda, the power and profit groups will try to limit our acces to and interpretation of it. Also if we take their discoveries seriously based on some sort of assumption that science and research and logic can gives us accurate and useful information from the ark that can be used to advance the cause of humanity then, they should also feel compelled to yield to our discoveries like evolution, stem cells, birth control, etc.

Splintering the multi-hued mirror of human discovery and invention into shards and fragments of competing ideologies is what created the need for the ark in the first place. If you read the Hebrew scriptures, god always desired a relationship with his people. He initially asked them to come to his mountain, all of them, and that he would walk among them and be with them. They decided to send Moses instead, put god behind a curtain, asked for laws instead of justice and made faith into an oppositional and secluded type of anti-intellectualism. By they I don't mean jews, although I would include them in this. I mean all of us.

If the ark is severely limited then people will run away with their own ideas as has been done for centuries with the bible, only for many this will be the ultimate confirmation and excuse to go ahead with some very foul and sadistic dealings. Those of us who like our freedom of will, could find ourselves fighting for that right (some of us feel we are already).

Also, I don't like the idea of god being in some object or some location that can be put behind glass and people can pay seven dollars (five for students) to rent multi-lingual headsets where James Earl Jones bellows on about the budding staff of Aaron. I just envision a scene that is a constant circus of fundamentalists, salesmen, crackpots and government officials swarming around outside of some Ark amusement park with a ride that parts the Red Sea and a virtual reality room to experience the biblical plagues of locusts and raining frogs. It's Holy Disney folks, come one come all, take a tour of King Solomons mines, pay $10 for your Moses burger and 39.95 to get a Queen of Sheba costume for the kiddies.

If this is legit, and Dr. Jones is correct or this isn't merely the Ark copy, it poses limitless social, political, historical and I guess ultimately spiritual significance. Let us hope the powers that be and humanity keep a level head.

Hmm I wonder if they'll try sprinkling goats blood on Yom Kippur? Anyway, heavy subject for my first day back eh? The next will be more comical I think. Thanks to those of you who worried about me, you're really sweet. =)


Pops said...

I just hope he beats the Nazis to it.

Alex said...

Pops- Don't think that's a problem but he could always fling his dirty "Depends" at them.

mph- Point of fact, I DO have a fedora and a whip but neither are part of an Indiana Jones costume. *GRIN*

Alex said...

Kris- I'm aware of the great debate. Granted, Jones has never escaped from giant boulders only to be chased by spear chucking yanomamos and is not even a real "Doctor" of archaeology but rather a follower of theology who became part of the archaeology community but given the fact that he has been well known for searching for the ark for 40 years had a screen play written about him in the 70's and neither Lucas Or Spielberg have rarely had a completely original idea, I'm more inclinded to believe they're attempting to protect their reputations rather than be human enough to admit to outside inspiration.
Don't try and burst my bubble buddy. Oh and thank you. :)

Larry said...

I think it will be like finding what is possibly Noah's Ark on the side of one of the Urartu Mountains in turkey. Everyone will be excited but by the time all the arguing over if it's real, who's it is and where it belongs interest will wain.

As for the true missing link it will never happen(unless of course they take a good hard look at Kris). Too many branches in that tree to be sure.

Sarah said...

yayyyy...wb chica :)

Alex said...

Larry- Thing about Noah's ark is, it isn't proven. No one knows for sure, it could be any old boat washed into mountains from any old global flood. The Ark of the covenant however, well hard to mistake a wooden box overlayed with gold and containing the word of the almighty. Might cause a bit more stir I think.

Sarah - Thanks mamma!

Kris- Errmm well, King Tut's coming back to the states kicking off his tour in L.A. next month I think. *Grin*

Alex said...

Paul - Well thank god, for a minute I thought i'd become to old.

And what do you mean sometimes? You just want me for my arguing.

Steven said...

I remember when I was 11 and my dad was still driving a truck, he'd park the thing in our huge driveway. I used to climb all over the thing acting like I was Indiana Jones punchng out Nazi's. -Laughs-

This will be interesting to watch. The Ark thing I mean.

Alex said...

Steven - Heh, that sounds like fun. I wish I'd had a big truck. That film really made me want a whip though.

Johnny Virgil said...

Wow, you don't ease into things do you?

And you probably look great in that fedora. :)

Alex said...

Johnny - Heh sorry, my mind is like swiss cheese. If I have a thought I have to get it out before it starts to ooze through the holes and I'm just left thinking I have some ironing to do. :)