Monday, February 07, 2005

Hail to the King Baby

On Saturday I managed to get to the Mardi Gras parade we have in our little town here. For those not in the know, the really quick version is that Mardi Gras is a festival based on Lupercalia and Carnival. When they took over, the Roman church decided to incorporate the pagan holiday rather than try to abolish it. Then the French ripped off the Italians and eventually brought it to New Orleans. *grin*
What it amounts to is a great big party to squeeze in as much drinking, gluttony and debauchery as possible before the fasting and abstinence of the 40 some odd days of Lent.

I wonder what Catholics on Atkins do during Lent? *Shrug* Anywho...

Got a couple of shots of the parade floats, courtesy of our very own Krewe Of Dionysos...

I didn't jump out to catch anything but the kids seemed to have a great time collecting the beads, doubloons and candy that flew out and nearly brained them. I didn't do any drinking either as I plan to get thoroughlysoused next weekend when the sinning really counts.

Just for anyone curious, Valentines day has it's origins based in Lupercalia as well...I tell ya, yous guys would have nothing fun to do without us Italians.

Also over the weekend, well I guess it's obvious i've been working on blog layout v.2.o Bikkity BAM Margera.

Oh yeah, extra points if you can tell me what movie the title came from. That should keep you all busy for a while. =P


Alex said...

Wow, so not only am I a geek, but so is Ozzy Osbourne. I'm ok with that. =P

Steven said...

Geez, no one knows what movie the title is from?

Army of Darkness people, Army of Darkness...

Johnny Virgil said...

Holy crap. You are my dream girl. I can't believe your movie and book list.

Alex said...

Why don't the available men ever say that!?